China Insider
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The promotional film of Hauts-de-France part of French regional tourism marketing campaign in China is broadcasted on Dou Yin, Little Red Book and Kuai Shou social platforms.
通过特制一个符合华人消费文化的故事情景,展现给观众上法大区的旅游特色主题, 突出上法大区旅游发展的5大特色:传承 ,历史 ,法式魅力生活,法兰西(皇家&贵族),法兰西起源。此宣传片将成为大区旅游中国市场营销工具的重要元素,将在几大重要社交平台发布 : 抖音,小红书,快手。
Hauts-de-France 寻觅烂漫

As a result of KOL's influence, the "Da-Ka 打卡" phenomenon is born. Frequently used by Generation Z and Millennials during their travels "Da-Ka 打卡" consists in visiting key touristic places, popular among the Chinese community and to instantly share them on social media which covers a wide network of influence.
中国新生代旅游有这样的特征:圈层化信息获取、个性化出游、情感式表达社区、生活化旅行、迭代式消费。网红景区现象,“打卡”成为新生代旅游消费中频繁出现的词汇 “打卡”是一种圈层文化理解与获取认同的记录行为,具有超强的影响力。本片通过网红美女和闺蜜的网聊为缘由,引带出到上法兰西打卡的行动,诠释上法兰西和浪漫的不解之缘。